I am Heartbroken.

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I am Heartbroken.

Post by Rapunzel »

:-1 My beloved bunny died yesterday. :-1 He was my guardbunny. He would follow me around the house, upstairs and downstairs. He would be waiting at the front door to greet me when I came home at night and waiting for hubby when he came home in the morning (he works nights). He would gambol around our feet, begging for food or a nose rub. He'd nudge our ankles with his nose to let us know he was there and he'd put his paws up on your leg to say "Hi Mum" and get another nose wub. Sometimes he would sleep on my bed at night and sometimes next to my bed or in the doorway.

I keep looking for him on my bed or in the doorway or under the table. :-1 I keep thinking I can hear his paws pattering across the landing and into my room, but when I look he's not there. :-1 I can't stop the tears that keep pouring down my face. He was only a little bunny but he had such a huge personality. He did so many funny things and he was so very loving and caring.

My sister told my mum some horrible lies about me 4 years ago to get herself out of trouble. I used to be very close to my mum and sister before that but we haven't spoken since. Although I have people at work that I talk to I have no really close friends I can talk to. Guardbunny was like my best friend. He would sit on my bed and I'd stroke him for ages and talk to him and he gave me unconditional love. He would snuggle up and squeak to me and rub up against me. He would follow hubby and I around and keep an eye on us. He tried to eat off our plates because thats what we did. I'm not sure if he thought he was human or if we were bunnies, but he was chief bunny and he used to round us up like a sheepdog and watch over us and protect us. I told him a couple of weeks ago that he was the only one who really cared about us. There is me and my hubby and our 2 teenage children and the only person who ever talks to us is the o/h's mum who calls about once a month. If anything happened to us, no one would know and it seems like they wouldn't care. It's just us against the world. I often worry about what would happen to the children if something happened to us or how they'd cope without me (I'm diabetic) or how we'd cope without Tigger (my other half, he has health problems too). It felt so wonderful to know that guardbunny loved us and cared about us. It was wonderful knowing we were lovable and loved and he was always rubbing against our ankles to show his love.

His real name is Link. We have 4 bunnies. Had 4 bunnies. :-1 We got 2 male dutch bunnies nearly 3 years ago and the children adopted one each. Then we got 2 female bunny girlfriends for them about 18 months ago, again the kids had one each. My sons 2 are Link and Zelda. My daughters 2 are Starlight and Snowflake. However all the names kinda got changed. Link and Starlight are identical black dutch buns apart from a tiny bit more white on Starlight's foot. It was so hard for other people to tell them apart, but for us it was so easy. We just knew. Both of them got called bunny and bun-bun but Link became guard bunny because he kept guarding us. His sweet little face was always there checking you out, looking at you, talking to you silently with his big brown eyes. Oh my God I miss him so much. :-1

I can't believe how many tears I've cried. I keep thinking "he's only a rabbit and people will think you're mad if they know how much you've cried over a rabbit" but he was SO much more than just a rabbit! He's left a giant rabbit sized hole in our lives and I don't know how to deal with it. I keep looking for him but he's not there.

He was always a bit of a sickly bunny. He had the HUGEST personality but the poorest health. He would get tummy bugs and poopy butts. He was the one we were bathing a few months ago at 3 in the morning because he had a poopy butt and we were worried about him. He was the one who had to be given special care to help him eat again after vet visits. Two days ago he was jumping up on the sofa and sniffing around everywhere and each time I lifted him off the sofa he would jump back up again for more sniffs. But Thursday night he didn't follow me to bed as usual and wasn't there Friday morning either. I found him hiding behind the sofa so knew he didn't feel well as they do hide if they think they're sick. But when I talked to him and said I missed him being by my bed that night he came out for a rub so I didn't think he could be too bad. I still worried about him so Tigger (the other half), who was also worried, carried him up to bed with him and spent the day sitting on the bed with him and chatting to him and petting him. He'd eaten some greens the day before but nothing that day so we had some special bunny food for sick bunnies that we fed him that night. He seemed a bit livelier after that. He had a drink and bounded round the bed and jumped off the bed and was walking between the door and my side of the bed trying to decide where to sleep that night. He looked better and we thought maybe he had a bit of a cold but would be better next day. At about 4am Tigger heard a squeak and found that guardbunny had fallen over. He must have been trying to move. We jumped out of bed and picked him up and laid him on the bed. His heart was racing and his whole body was trembling. We kept stroking him and telling him how wonderful he was and how much we loved him. We could sense that we were going to lose him and it was too late for a vet. I don't even know if they would come at 4am or what they could do. I kept hoping he could wait til 8am so I could rush him to the vet but he just laid in my arms squeaking to me and burrowing his head in the crook of my arm. He looked up at me with those big brown eyes full of love until he became so weak that he had to lay his head down. I kept stroking his head and telling him how much we loved him. I could see he was having spasms of pain and I told him to relax and that he was loved. He passed away in my arms nearly an hour later.

We buried him in the front garden in a nice box by a daffodil patch. We made up a cosy little bed for him and put a nice leafy carrot between his paws. We laid some daffodils on the box and more on top of the grave. But it feels so awful to leave him out there in the cold. I keep seeing his favourite spots where he'd sit or his bowl or the raggedy ends of the things he chewed and I keep realising I won't see him again. I keep thinking "why him?" He had the biggest character and gave us so much love. I didn't want to lose any of them but especially not him. He was the most wonderful bunny. I'm sitting here in floods wondering how I'm going to cope tomorrow at school. If anyone even mentions bunny or bunny related things I'm going to bawl my eyes out and I can't do that in front of the kids.

I also worry about Baby. She's all alone now. Once the girls grew up they fought and couldn't be rebonded so we had to separate them. Zelda and Starlight live together and Link and Snowflake were together. Both the females are pure white bunnies apart from Zelda who has one single black spot on her back. We call her Spot and the other bunny became Baby because she was always such a scaredy baby. She nudges your ankles too but runs away before you can stroke her because she thinks you'll hurt her. We bought them from a pet shop but both girls were scratched when we brought them home so somewhere they were attacked. She's a big bunny now but still very scared. I held her for an hour last night just stroking and stroking her really fast and soaking her fur with my tears. She's got no one to cuddle up with now and I don't want her to be lonely but I can't replace my Guardbunny. I feel so sorry for her. And I feel like I've lost my best friend. Tigger does too. He came home this morning and got really upset because she wasn't there to greet him. That set me off again. i could have filled a couple of baths with all these tears. I have to keep wiping them away because I can't see the keyboard.

We're starting to pack boxes because we want to move this summer. We'd move now if we could but thats the earliest we can afford to move to get away from the neighbours from hell. When I fed Guardbunny last night with his special food I put the bowl with the leftovers in it on a box in the hall. Yesterday afternoon we heard a giant CRASH and all came running to find the bowl had mysteriously flown across the hallway and smashed against a metal suitcase. No one was anywhere near it at the time. I cleaned it all up and went to sit on the bed by Tigger. Even that was sad because thats how we had sat the day before but with Guardbunny between us. We laughed through our tears and said that Guardbunny was still showing us that he was there watching over us. Just after we said it a box in our room tipped over and crashed to the floor. Was that Guardbunny showing us he's feeling fit and healthy and that he's full of bounce and still watching over us? If that's Guardbunny then I really hope he is still watching over us and will guard us forever but I also hope he's with my aunt in a heaven full of blue skies and green fields with lots of carrots and greens to eat but most of all I wish he was here with us putting his paws on my leg for a wub. I wish I could go back a week and take him to the vet then, to see if we missed something. Maybe we could have stopped this. Maybe we shouldn't have had to lose our precious mischievous bundle of fun.

I'm sorry if this sounds maudlin. Maybe you think a bunny is not worth so many tears but he was nicer and better and more wonderful and genuine and caring than most of the people I know. I miss my beloved bunny so much and I don't know how to stop the tears or how to fill the huge hole in my heart. God Bless my darling bunny and look after him and keep him warm and safe. :yh_flower :yh_flower :yh_flower :yh_flower
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I am Heartbroken.

Post by OpenMind »

So sorry to hear your news, Rapunzel.
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I am Heartbroken.

Post by pinkchick »

Very nearly perfect ... :D
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I am Heartbroken.

Post by Odie »

With all the pets we have lost, I have never said, its just a .'..........'

They are your best friends.....They comfort you and make you laugh.

You take care of them and they in return give you their love.

So sorry for the loss of your bunny.:-4
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I am Heartbroken.

Post by Rapunzel »

Odie;1158094 wrote: With all the pets we have lost, I have never said, its just a .'..........'

They are your best friends.....They comfort you and make you laugh.

You take care of them and they in return give you their love.

So sorry for the loss of your bunny.:-4

Thankyou Odie, you made me cry again but smile also.

He IS my best friend and he gave his love unstintingly. How can I replace a best friend? Or fill the hole he left? I went outside and talked to him last night and told the one lone star I could see to watch over him. I want to bring him back indoors and just hug him back to life. You're right, he's not just a bunny, he was almost human. I hope one day I can just remember the good times but right now I just feel crushed by the loss.

Thankyou so much Odie for your kind and thoughtful words and thankyou OM and pinkchick. I wish I had a friend who could give me a hug or a mum or sister that I could talk to who would understand. Tigger and I talk but we're both upset and trying not to burden each other too much. That's why I told the garden. I knew you'd understand my pain. Thankyou for all the kind words. They make me cry but they do help. M. x
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I am Heartbroken.

Post by Odie »

Rapunzel;1158100 wrote: Thankyou Odie, you made me cry again but smile also.

He IS my best friend and he gave his love unstintingly. How can I replace a best friend? Or fill the hole he left? I went outside and talked to him last night and told the one lone star I could see to watch over him. I want to bring him back indoors and just hug him back to life. You're right, he's not just a bunny, he was almost human. I hope one day I can just remember the good times but right now I just feel crushed by the loss.

Thankyou so much Odie for your kind and thoughtful words and thankyou OM and pinkchick. I wish I had a friend who could give me a hug or a mum or sister that I could talk to who would understand. Tigger and I talk but we're both upset and trying not to burden each other too much. That's why I told the garden. I knew you'd understand my pain. Thankyou for all the kind words. They make me cry but they do help. M. x

No one can ever replace your best friend.........right now, just grieve for him.......

I do understand the pain you are going through, try and keep busy.

Life is just to short for drama.
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I am Heartbroken.

Post by Patsy Warnick »


I use to have a French Lops Bunny as a pet

he'f follow thru out the house, he use to sit on my feet every morn before I left for work.

My Bunny was "Fats"

A Great Pet

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I am Heartbroken.

Post by along-for-the-ride »

So sorry for the loss of GuardBunny, Rapunzel. He sure was a lucky animal to have you and Tigger to love and care for him so much.
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I am Heartbroken.

Post by chonsigirl »

:-4 Your beloved bunny is hopping through fields of clover in heaven. The small creatures so kind and loving, we miss them when they are gone from our lives they have blessed. Your Guardbunny will always have a place in your heart.
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I am Heartbroken.

Post by Oscar Namechange »

Rapunzel;1158100 wrote: Thankyou Odie, you made me cry again but smile also.

He IS my best friend and he gave his love unstintingly. How can I replace a best friend? Or fill the hole he left? I went outside and talked to him last night and told the one lone star I could see to watch over him. I want to bring him back indoors and just hug him back to life. You're right, he's not just a bunny, he was almost human. I hope one day I can just remember the good times but right now I just feel crushed by the loss.

Thankyou so much Odie for your kind and thoughtful words and thankyou OM and pinkchick. I wish I had a friend who could give me a hug or a mum or sister that I could talk to who would understand. Tigger and I talk but we're both upset and trying not to burden each other too much. That's why I told the garden. I knew you'd understand my pain. Thankyou for all the kind words. They make me cry but they do help. M. x No, it's not just a bunny any more than it's just a cat or just a Canary. Anything that brings us comfort, friendship and love is a special part of our life. I have a very special attachment to the alpha male of the foxes i have come at night. I've fed him every night for years now and people say, it's just a fox. Yes, he is just a fox and i have to remember he's a wild animal but like your bunny, i go out there every night and there he is. Sometimes he will even have curled up and dozed off while waiting outside my gate. Like your bunny, we expect them to be there every day or every night and it's tough when they're not. How can you not miss a friend that has been a part of your life for so long? This is what folk do not understand. :-4
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I am Heartbroken.

Post by Nomad »

Im heartbroken for you. Im sorry. He sounded like a good bunny.
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I am Heartbroken.

Post by CARLA »

I so sorry you lost your friend Rapunzel there are no words to ease your pain right now. :yh_hugs :-1 What a good Guardbunny he was.


"Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, champagne in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming.

WOO HOO!!, what a ride!!!"

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I am Heartbroken.

Post by Chezzie »

Rapunzel babe, my heart breaks for your sadness:-4

GuardBunny sure did give you alot of Joy and comfort. Your post reflects how he enriched your life. Take comfort in the memories hun. xxx

If it should be....

If it should be that I grow frail and weak,

and pain should keep me from my sleep,

then you must do what must be done,

for we know this last battle can't be won.

You will be sad, I understand,

but don't let grief then stay your hand,

for this day, more than the rest,

your love and friendship must stand the test.

We've had so many happy years,

what is to come can hold no fears.

Would you want me to suffer? So,

when the time comes, please let me go.

Take me where my needs they'll tend,

only stay with me until the end,

and hold me firm and speak to me,

until my eyes no longer see.

It is a kindness that you do to me,

although my tail it's last has waved,

from pain and suffering I have been saved.

Do not grieve, it should be you,

who must decide this thing to do.

We've been so close, we two these years,

Don't let your heart hold any tears.

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I am Heartbroken.

Post by kazalala »

Rapunzel... i am so sorry for your grief:-4Its obvious how much you loved your beautiful bunny and how much he loved you too, im sure you will never forget him:-4:-4

Im also sorry that you have no contact with your family now, and hope that at some point in the future you can build bridges:-6:-4


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I am Heartbroken.

Post by minks »

Oh Hun I am sorry to hear you lost your Bunny.

Huggs to you.

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I am Heartbroken.

Post by kayleneaussie »

so very sorry to hear about your bunny :yh_hugs:yh_hugs
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I am Heartbroken.

Post by abbey »


I am so, so sorry your little baby left you Rap. :yh_flower

I wish I could give you a great big hug right now.
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I am Heartbroken.

Post by mrsK »

I am sorry to hear about your bunny:-4
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I am Heartbroken.

Post by Peg »

Awww Rapunzel, I know how you feel. We used to raise bunnies indoors and out. Noone knows what wonderful housepets they are until they have one. The tears are perfectly normal because they are not just an animal, but part of the family. Hugs to you and your family.:-4
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