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Lemme Know?

Post by spot »

Jester;1085649 wrote: Its not the point, so long as I can hold everyone accountable for the actions of the government they live under, as you said about all americans then Im fine with it.
Yes you can hold all Iranians accountable for the acts of their government. The acts of their government have never endangered the US homeland and they pose no possible threat to it in the foreseeable future either.
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Lemme Know?

Post by wildhorses »

spot;1085643 wrote: Because so far you've personally failed to rise up and overthrow your tyrannical government or at least taken to the streets with placards protesting what's happened. I agree it takes rather more than just one of you to achieve change but that's been the litmus test for a good American over the last eight years. Who knows, maybe after January 20th I'll feel differently about it.

Ok here it is. You say I have PERSONALLY failed to rise up and overthrow my tyrannical government or at leastt take to the streets with placards protesting whats happened.

First ....you dont define what you mean by "whats happened".... a lot has happened.

Second....when have I ever said that I have not been involved in any protests? You seem to ASSUME that I have never done this. And you PERSONALLY ACCUSE ME OF NOT TAKING ANY ACTION THOUGH YOU HAVE NO IDEA IF I HAVE OR NOT. So your post in personally accusatory, and based on your assumption that I have not taken action. This type of post is not in the spirit of healthy debate as it is inflammatory and accusatory. When you do this I am inclined to respond in a negative fashion....although I have resolved not to fall into that bottomless pit in the future.

And um....I cannot overthrow the government all by myself, you give me way too much credit....lol. I am only one American, not all Americans.

So the bottom line is that your post shows you to be anti american. You are accusing me of things only because I am american and you dont like american policies. You say you like americans....so why would you mistreat me like this?

Furthermore you seem to think this new administration will change everything....and they might....but that statement seems to say that the government and not the people are in control....yet you blame ordinary americans anyway.

I am not trying to fight with you, just trying to be honest about why some of us feel the way we do.
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Post by spot »

wildhorses wrote: I am not trying to fight with you, just trying to be honest about why some of us feel the way we do.They've got away with what they've got away with because so many supine Americans have laid back and said fair enough, Americans are meant to police the planet and kick the lesser breeds, and too many others have just ignored reality and crowed at their supposed invincibility. As for whether you've personally protested or not, I base my "no" on your posts here since you arrived. By all means tell me I misinterpreted you if that's the case.
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Post by AussiePam »

[QUOTE=Jester;1085645]Excellent then under that ideology the pople of Iran are just as guilty as their leadership and I can nuke all of them.[/QUOTE

I'm not getting involved in politics any more. And my comment here is not a political statement. I am not anti-American - far from it!!!! - and if anyone can show a single post of mine anywhere which is even subtly hostile to America, find it please and I'll eat my akubra.

Where I think some problems of perception arise is illustrated by the bit of your post, Jester, that I've highlighted. You've done this quite a few times and so it's probably how you really do think. You are seeing yourself - one person - as a personification of your whole country. "I am America". Even if you were the President of your country, you would not be America. You are one American. Probably a fine American. Certainly a loyal, hardworking one. But you are not America. When you appear to see yourself as your country, it means that any poster who maybe doesn't personally like you, or maybe wants to disagree with one bit of something you say, or even everything you say - is interpreted as criticising America, your whole country. And it seems to me this is one reason for much of the current unease.

I doubt whether anyone - including Spot - sees himself as the UK. He is clearly - thank Goodness - just spouting his own very Spotted worldview - and I for one wish very often that he would just take a holiday.

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Lemme Know?

Post by wildhorses »

spot;1085666 wrote: They've got away with what they've got away with because so many supine Americans have laid back and said fair enough, Americans are meant to police the planet and kick the lesser breeds, and too many others have just ignored reality and crowed at their supposed invincibility. As for whether you've personally protested or not, I base my "no" on your posts here since you arrived. By all means tell me I misinterpreted you if that's the case.

You have indeed misrepresented me. I have been in the street with a sign more times than I can count. This goes back 40 years for me. I have protested on many issues both in street protests and by writing to my legislators. In your post you speak of Americans collectively. I am not all Americans. I am one American. I dont necessarily agree with all Americans and they dont necessarily agree with me.
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Post by spot »

Jester;1085678 wrote: And what exactyl did we 'get away with'?War crimes without prosecution. Waging aggressive war against a country which posed no possible threat to the US Homeland.
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When flower power came along I stood for Human Rights, marched around for peace and freedom, had some nooky every night - we took it serious.
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Post by Chezzie »

12 days till Christmas and this is the Hot Topic of Conversation???

Im not sticking round here to read you guys go round in circles..

See ya in the New Year, hopefully you will have all sorted out ya battles.
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Lemme Know?

Post by wildhorses »

spot;1085696 wrote: War crimes without prosecution. Waging aggressive war against a country which posed no possible threat to the US Homeland.

UK is in Iraq also. Are you saying that you are personally responsible for any deaths that are atributable to your military? How is it then that you have not risen up to overthrow your government? Why are your troops still there? If each American is personally responsible, than would that not also apply to brits?
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Post by spot »

wildhorses;1085703 wrote: UK is in Iraq also. Are you saying that you are personally responsible for any deaths that are atributable to your military? How is it then that you have not risen up to overthrow your government? Why are your troops still there? If each American is personally responsible, than would that not also apply to brits?

What I wrote is that the White House Administration is responsible for waging aggressive war. The US and UK populations as a whole are responsible for not protesting with sufficient vigour to deter their governments from committing the crimes. The one is a criminal offence, the other is a moral failing.
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When flower power came along I stood for Human Rights, marched around for peace and freedom, had some nooky every night - we took it serious.
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Lemme Know?

Post by wildhorses »

spot;1085716 wrote: What I wrote is that the White House Administration is responsible for waging aggressive war. The US and UK populations as a whole are responsible for not protesting with sufficient vigour to deter their governments from committing the crimes. The one is a criminal offence, the other is a moral failing.

Actually, what you said was that I was personally responsible....but anyway lets forget that for a moment. What does the failing of the American population have to do with me personally? If I am personally responsible for the whole of the American population, then you are responsible for the whole of the UK population. Therefore, you are as responsible as any one American. Why then are persoanl jabs against individual Americans acceptable?

Now lets go back. You did say that I am personally responsible for not rising up against my tryrannical government. However, I dont see that you have personally risin up against yours. And you do have troops in Iraq and they are killing people as we speak....innnocent people....children. You lodge personal attacks on Americans for their responsiblity in a war in which you have equal responsibility.
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Post by spot »

wildhorses;1085741 wrote: Actually, what you said was that I was personally responsible....but anyway lets forget that for a moment. What does the failing of the American population have to do with me personally? If I am personally responsible for the whole of the American population, then you are responsible for the whole of the UK population. Therefore, you are as responsible as any one American. Why then are persoanl jabs against individual Americans acceptable?

Now lets go back. You did say that I am personally responsible for not rising up against my tryrannical government. However, I dont see that you have personally risin up against yours. And you do have troops in Iraq and they are killing people as we speak....innnocent people....children. You lodge personal attacks on Americans for their responsiblity in a war in which you have equal responsibility.

You keep telling me that I blame individual Americans. I say all citizens of any country are responsible for what their government does - that's a moral responsibility, it's not a criminal one. The members of the government are themselves individually responsible for the crime of waging aggressive war. That's surely an easy enough distinction to grasp.

Here, this is Article Six of the Charter of the International Military Tribunal at the Nuremberg Trials, drawn up to a significant extent by Americans.The following acts, or any of them, are crimes coming within the jurisdiction of the Tribunal for which there shall be individual responsibility: (a) Crimes against Peace: namely, planning, preparation, initiation or waging of a war of aggression, or a war in violation of international treaties, agreements or assurances, or participation in a Common Plan or Conspiracy for the accomplishment of any of the foregoing;

(b) War Crimes: namely, violations of the laws or customs of war. Such violations shall include, but not be limited to, murder, ill-treatment or deportation to slave labor or for any other purpose of civilian population of or in occupied territory, murder or ill-treatment of prisoners of war or persons on the seas, killing of hostages, plunder of public or private property, wanton destruction of cities, towns, or villages, or devastation not justified by military necessity;

(c) Crimes against Humanity: namely, murder, extermination, enslavement, deportation, and other inhumane acts committed against any civilian population, before or during the war,14 or persecutions on political, racial, or religious grounds in execution of or in connection with any crime within the jurisdiction of the Tribunal, whether or not in violation of domestic law of the country where perpetrated.Leaders, organizers, instigators, and accomplices participating in the formulation or execution of a Common Plan or Conspiracy to commit any of the foregoing crimes are responsible for all acts performed by any persons in execution of such plan.

http://www.law.umkc.edu/faculty/project ... ments.html

Nullius in verba ... ☎||||||||||| ... To Fate I sue, of other means bereft, the only refuge for the wretched left.
When flower power came along I stood for Human Rights, marched around for peace and freedom, had some nooky every night - we took it serious.
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Lemme Know?

Post by wildhorses »

spot;1085744 wrote: You keep telling me that I blame individual Americans. I say all citizens of any country are responsible for what their government does - that's a moral responsibility, it's not a criminal one. The members of the government are themselves individually responsible for the crime of waging aggressive war. That's surely an easy enough distinction to grasp.

Here, this is Article Six of the Charter of the International Military Tribunal at the Nuremberg Trials, drawn up to a significant extent by Americans.The following acts, or any of them, are crimes coming within the jurisdiction of the Tribunal for which there shall be individual responsibility: (a) Crimes against Peace: namely, planning, preparation, initiation or waging of a war of aggression, or a war in violation of international treaties, agreements or assurances, or participation in a Common Plan or Conspiracy for the accomplishment of any of the foregoing;

(b) War Crimes: namely, violations of the laws or customs of war. Such violations shall include, but not be limited to, murder, ill-treatment or deportation to slave labor or for any other purpose of civilian population of or in occupied territory, murder or ill-treatment of prisoners of war or persons on the seas, killing of hostages, plunder of public or private property, wanton destruction of cities, towns, or villages, or devastation not justified by military necessity;

(c) Crimes against Humanity: namely, murder, extermination, enslavement, deportation, and other inhumane acts committed against any civilian population, before or during the war,14 or persecutions on political, racial, or religious grounds in execution of or in connection with any crime within the jurisdiction of the Tribunal, whether or not in violation of domestic law of the country where perpetrated.Leaders, organizers, instigators, and accomplices participating in the formulation or execution of a Common Plan or Conspiracy to commit any of the foregoing crimes are responsible for all acts performed by any persons in execution of such plan.

The Nuremberg Trials

Well then if all citizens of any country are morally responsible for what their government does....then that would include your country and you, would it not? You are just responsible as any American, are you not? So why then is it ok to personally attack an individual American for what their government does? Because by this logic you are also just as guilty, so arent you being kind of hypocritical in accusing others when you have equal responsibility?
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Post by spot »

wildhorses;1085746 wrote: Well then if all citizens of any country are morally responsible for what their government does....then that would include your country and you, would it not? You are just responsible as any American, are you not? So why then is it ok to personally attack an individual American for what their government does? Because by this logic you are also just as guilty, so arent you being kind of hypocritical in accusing others when you have equal responsibility?

Not at all, I've been protesting my government's actions since 2002 both vigorously and consistently. Most people in England agree with that protest. The people who stand out vociferously egging these political dogs into greater and greater excess are predominantly triumphalist American Republicans.
Nullius in verba ... ☎||||||||||| ... To Fate I sue, of other means bereft, the only refuge for the wretched left.
When flower power came along I stood for Human Rights, marched around for peace and freedom, had some nooky every night - we took it serious.
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Lemme Know?

Post by wildhorses »

spot;1085751 wrote: Not at all, I've been protesting my government's actions since 2002 both vigorously and consistently. Most people in England agree with that protest. The people who stand out vociferously egging these political dogs into greater and greater excess are predominantly triumphalist American Republicans.

I have also protested many of my governments actions ...since 1968.

How do you know most people in England agree with you? Have you interviewed all of them? Or do you just suppose that they agree with you? And have you interviewed all Americans? How do you know that all of them or even most of them would disagree with you?

You are blaming all Americans for what some Americans do. There have been huge and numerous protests here against government policies over the years. What about those Americans?

And the fact remains that your country is in Iraq beside my country. And if any American is responsible, then so are any citizens of England.....and that includes you. So it is hypocritical to throw blame on Americans collectively and particularly any one individual American, when you hold equal responsibility.

I know you said you have protested, but so have many Americans. And in the end even if someone does not agree with you, personal jabs or outright abusive treatment has no place in healthy debate. So what if someone does not agree with you? What is the problem with that? They just have a different opinion. You can continue the debate or just agree to disagree. Personal attacks are not necessary and wont change American foreign policies anyway.

If you feel so strongly you could always write to Bush and abuse him. If, as you say, he is your actual target. He has email you know. All of our legislators have email....I have abused them many times over many issues. FYI...you can currently reach Obama at: change.gov. I have already been to his site to tell him what I expect from him during his tour as president. Have you done this? He has much more power than any American on any forum so your words may have more impact directed at someone with some power.
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Post by spot »

I have two comments to make to that.

Firstly, you seem not to be aware of the power or nature of statistics.

Secondly, either your posts on ForumGarden have perversely misrepresented your views on the Bush Administration or I've misinterpreted them. I'm usually quite good at interpretation. I'd hate to think you'd been kicking up a stink solely for the fun of arguing, the topic's far too important for that.
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When flower power came along I stood for Human Rights, marched around for peace and freedom, had some nooky every night - we took it serious.
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Post by wildhorses »

spot;1085776 wrote: I have two comments to make to that.

Firstly, you seem not to be aware of the power or nature of statistics.

Secondly, either your posts on ForumGarden have perversely misrepresented your views on the Bush Administration or I've misinterpreted them. I'm usually quite good at interpretation. I'd hate to think you'd been kicking up a stink solely for the fun of arguing, the topic's far too important for that.

I dont like Bush. I never voted for Bush....I can hardly stand him. I dont know why anyone voted for him frankly. I am counting the days till he is out of office, though I did not vote for Obama, I voted for Alan Keyes...but anyway....thats just me. I hated Bush Sr. as well....could not stand him....It was the highlight of my day when he did not get a second term.

But just because I cant stand Bush does not mean that I disagree with every single thing he has done. You can dislike someone and still agree with them on occassion. In fact, I cant think of one president that I have disagreed with or agreed with consistently. No two people are going to agree or disagree on every single item everytime...that is not possible.

So it appears that you have misconstrued some of my views as being in support of Bush entirely. But I know I would never say that I support Bush in general.....blech!!!! ....just would never happen. At some point you have assumed this.

But ...lets say for a moment that I said that...so what? Still that would be no reason for jabs or personal attacks just because you disagree. And the foundation of our discussion today is personal attacks on individual Americans with regard to actions of the US government. Underhanded jabs or negative inuendo against Americans are not necessary to debate any topic.
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I don't make jabs or personal attacks at any ForumGarden member.
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When flower power came along I stood for Human Rights, marched around for peace and freedom, had some nooky every night - we took it serious.
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Lemme Know?

Post by wildhorses »

spot;1085790 wrote: I don't make jabs or personal attacks at any ForumGarden member.

Yes you do, you did it earlier in this thread. Jester pointed it out.
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Post by wildhorses »


Originally Posted by spot

They've got away with what they've got away with because so many supine Americans have laid back and said fair enough, Americans are meant to police the planet and kick the lesser breeds, and too many others have just ignored reality and crowed at their supposed invincibility. As for whether you've personally protested or not, I base my "no" on your posts here since you arrived. By all means tell me I misinterpreted you if that's the case.

Jester wrote:

And Bammo! The anti-american statements come out flying! This is the prime example- you dont discuss the possiblity that a number of americans feel this way, you state emphatically that all of us do feel this way, and you'd be wrong.

Very few americans would hold to this statement. I woudlnt even agree with that statement, and I am seen here as a wormonger world policeman!


And what exactyl did we 'get away with'?
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Post by spot »

wildhorses;1085792 wrote: [quote=spot]I don't make jabs or personal attacks at any ForumGarden member.Yes you do, you did it earlier in this thread. Jester pointed it out.

I think I'd like to call you on that. Show me.

Just for comparison, you can line these from this thread against it and see if I come close.wildhorses to Jimbo: This site is awash in anti americanism. I was wrong about you. You are showing your true colors now.

wildhorses to Jimbo: You have pretty clearly shown us what you are about. All the laughing smilies does not change it. We see it for what it is.

wildhorses to koan: This is a nasty, hostile remark. All Americans are not any particular way or type. You are making a blanket statement about a vast group of people. This is hatred.

wildhorses re Jimbo: I have read plenty of his posts to know where he is coming from. Many of his posts are very hostile. This is not due to a cultural difference.

wildhorses to Jimbo: You have been very hostile and nasty. Of course you have not said you dont like americans, but your hostility shows it all. You can try to squeeze out of it but you have shown who you are and how you are. Go back and look at your posts. If you cant see it, then that is your problem....and it will continue to be your problem because people dont like others who are hostile.

wildhorses re Jimbo: I did not have the same experience as you have had. And to tell you the truth this was the first time I had that experience with him. But for some reason he decided to get to be a jerk. I have not misunderstood his humor. That was not humor.....not anywhere close to it. It began when I disagreed with him...then he got hostile.

wildhorses to Lenn: I know a joke when I hear one. And I know a coward when I meet one. Dont run and hide.I'd be quite grateful if you also went through this thread and look at what I've posted to it. I think I've been entirely reasonable.
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When flower power came along I stood for Human Rights, marched around for peace and freedom, had some nooky every night - we took it serious.
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Post by spot »

wildhorses;1085793 wrote: Quote:

Originally Posted by spot

They've got away with what they've got away with because so many supine Americans have laid back and said fair enough, Americans are meant to police the planet and kick the lesser breeds, and too many others have just ignored reality and crowed at their supposed invincibility. As for whether you've personally protested or not, I base my "no" on your posts here since you arrived. By all means tell me I misinterpreted you if that's the case.

Jester wrote:

And Bammo! The anti-american statements come out flying! This is the prime example- you dont discuss the possiblity that a number of americans feel this way, you state emphatically that all of us do feel this way, and you'd be wrong.

Very few americans would hold to this statement. I woudlnt even agree with that statement, and I am seen here as a wormonger world policeman!


And what exactyl did we 'get away with'?

It's a perfect example of poor reading, what I said was "so many supine Americans" and it gets translated into "you state emphatically that all of us do feel this way". I'm not responsible for shoddy exaggeration on anyone's part.
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When flower power came along I stood for Human Rights, marched around for peace and freedom, had some nooky every night - we took it serious.
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Post by wildhorses »

spot;1085794 wrote: I think I'd like to call you on that. Show me.

Just for comparison, you can line these from this thread against it and see if I come close.wildhorses to Jimbo: This site is awash in anti americanism. I was wrong about you. You are showing your true colors now.

wildhorses to Jimbo: You have pretty clearly shown us what you are about. All the laughing smilies does not change it. We see it for what it is.

wildhorses to koan: This is a nasty, hostile remark. All Americans are not any particular way or type. You are making a blanket statement about a vast group of people. This is hatred.

wildhorses re Jimbo: I have read plenty of his posts to know where he is coming from. Many of his posts are very hostile. This is not due to a cultural difference.

wildhorses to Jimbo: You have been very hostile and nasty. Of course you have not said you dont like americans, but your hostility shows it all. You can try to squeeze out of it but you have shown who you are and how you are. Go back and look at your posts. If you cant see it, then that is your problem....and it will continue to be your problem because people dont like others who are hostile.

wildhorses re Jimbo: I did not have the same experience as you have had. And to tell you the truth this was the first time I had that experience with him. But for some reason he decided to get to be a jerk. I have not misunderstood his humor. That was not humor.....not anywhere close to it. It began when I disagreed with him...then he got hostile.

wildhorses to Lenn: I know a joke when I hear one. And I know a coward when I meet one. Dont run and hide.I'd be quite grateful if you also went through this thread and look at what I've posted to it. I think I've been entirely reasonable.

So now you are playing games. What you dont include is the inuendo the preceeded my comment? I am telling one person or another how I feel about some snide comment they made to me....but you dont include the comment that I was answering. The fact that made these comment is evidence that there were some very snide comments directed at me. Instead of returning the attack, I told the person how I felt about what they said to me.
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wildhorses;1085800 wrote: So now you are playing games. What you dont include is the inuendo the preceeded my comment? I am telling one person or another how I feel about some snide comment they made to me....but you dont include the comment that I was answering. The fact that made these comment is evidence that there were some very snide comments directed at me. Instead of returning the attack, I told the person how I felt about what they said to me.

And the alleged personal attacks I've made on members are where?
Nullius in verba ... ☎||||||||||| ... To Fate I sue, of other means bereft, the only refuge for the wretched left.
When flower power came along I stood for Human Rights, marched around for peace and freedom, had some nooky every night - we took it serious.
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Post by wildhorses »

spot;1085795 wrote: It's a perfect example of poor reading, what I said was "so many supine Americans" and it gets translated into "you state emphatically that all of us do feel this way". I'm not responsible for shoddy exaggeration on anyone's part.

You have conveniently neglected to refer to the part of your post that Jester was referring to. You know full well that Jester did highlight the part of your post he was referring to as follows:

Americans are meant to police the planet and kick the lesser breeds, and too many others have just ignored reality and crowed at their supposed invincibility
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Post by spot »

wildhorses;1085802 wrote: You have conveniently neglected to refer to the part of your post that Jester was referring to. You know full well that Jester did highlight the part of your post he was referring to as follows:

Americans are meant to police the planet and kick the lesser breeds, and too many others have just ignored reality and crowed at their supposed invincibility

And it is a totally different comment to what it was translated into - "you state emphatically that all of us do feel this way". How can you possibly morph the one into the other? My statement's true, Jester's isn't. Just look at what he did in order to force that meaning - he left out "so many supine" in order to do it. What he highlighted is not what I wrote. You can't just drop "so many supine" and claim the rest is what I meant!
Nullius in verba ... ☎||||||||||| ... To Fate I sue, of other means bereft, the only refuge for the wretched left.
When flower power came along I stood for Human Rights, marched around for peace and freedom, had some nooky every night - we took it serious.
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Post by wildhorses »

You may not be willing to admit that you do make some anti american comments, but you do. I am not going to go around and around with you anymore on this.
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Post by wildhorses »

spot;1085805 wrote: And it is a totally different comment to what it was translated into - "you state emphatically that all of us do feel this way". How can you possibly morph the one into the other? My statement's true, Jester's isn't. Just look at what he did in order to force that meaning - he left out "so many supine" in order to do it. What he highlighted is not what I wrote. You can't just drop "so many supine" and claim the rest is what I meant!

when you say Americans, you are accusing all Americans. You can deny it, but it is still true that you make these statements and they are anti american.
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Post by spot »

wildhorses;1085807 wrote: when you say Americans, you are accusing all Americans. You can deny it, but it is still true that you make these statements and they are anti american.If you have to misquote me in full view of your audience to show it then it's not much of an accusation.

My sentence in full was "They've got away with what they've got away with because so many supine Americans have laid back and said fair enough, Americans are meant to police the planet and kick the lesser breeds, and too many others have just ignored reality and crowed at their supposed invincibility.", it has no implication whatever of "you state emphatically that all of us do feel this way" let alone "when you say Americans, you are accusing all Americans".
Nullius in verba ... ☎||||||||||| ... To Fate I sue, of other means bereft, the only refuge for the wretched left.
When flower power came along I stood for Human Rights, marched around for peace and freedom, had some nooky every night - we took it serious.
Who has a spare two minutes to play in this month's FG Trivia game! ... My other OS is Slackware.
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Post by AussiePam »

Jester - I'm really sorry you misunderstood what I was trying to say. It had nothing to do with the political content, just the semantics, the way the thought was expressed.

Spot - you are the super moderator in this forum, and you have the time, power, resources and intelligence to devote to pursuing anything any of us writes - and debunking it with apparently dispassionate logic, calm and superficial politeness. And underneath - in my probably now bannable opinion - you are ripping wings off insects and enjoying watching them run around in increasingly unhappy circles. You said you enter these threads to learn. This could only be true if it were a psychology experiment.

Jester, Oscar, Fuzzy, Wildhorses - over the last few debates, I've got to like you guys. And to appreciating your comments and getting a bit closer to sharing some of the views you've expressed. Thank you all.
"Life is too short to ski with ugly men"

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Post by wildhorses »

AussiePam;1085825 wrote: Jester - I'm really sorry you misunderstood what I was trying to say. It had nothing to do with the political content, just the semantics, the way the thought was expressed.

Spot - you are the super moderator in this forum, and you have the time, power, resources and intelligence to devote to pursuing anything any of us writes - and debunking it with apparently dispassionate logic, calm and superficial politeness. And underneath - in my probably now bannable opinion - you are ripping wings off insects and enjoying watching them run around in increasingly unhappy circles. You said you enter these threads to learn. This could only be true if it were a psychology experiment.

Jester, Oscar, Fuzzy, Wildhorses - over the last few debates, I've got to like you guys. And to appreciating your comments and getting a bit closer to sharing some of the views you've expressed. Thank you all.

Thank you Pam, you are very sweet to say that. I like you too.
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Post by wildhorses »

spot;1085808 wrote: If you have to misquote me in full view of your audience to show it then it's not much of an accusation.

My sentence in full was "They've got away with what they've got away with because so many supine Americans have laid back and said fair enough, Americans are meant to police the planet and kick the lesser breeds, and too many others have just ignored reality and crowed at their supposed invincibility.", it has no implication whatever of "you state emphatically that all of us do feel this way" let alone "when you say Americans, you are accusing all Americans".

What "audience"? Do you think everyone in FG is over here glued to this boring thread? Right...they have nothing better to do than pour over our every word while we go round and round in circles. Fat chance. If you think you have an audience then I hate to burst your bubble.....there is none but the occassional passer-by.
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Post by spot »

wildhorses;1085830 wrote: What "audience"? Do you think everyone in FG is over here glued to this boring thread? Right...they have nothing better to do than pour over our every word while we go round and round in circles. Fat chance. If you think you have an audience then I hate to burst your bubble.....there is none but the occassional passer-by.

I wasn't thinking of the membership. For each user who reads it there's another thirty or so who google in and pick it up over the next year. They add up.
Nullius in verba ... ☎||||||||||| ... To Fate I sue, of other means bereft, the only refuge for the wretched left.
When flower power came along I stood for Human Rights, marched around for peace and freedom, had some nooky every night - we took it serious.
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Post by AussiePam »

And one communist agitator
"Life is too short to ski with ugly men"

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Post by AussiePam »

I know Jester. We all get tied up in knots. Not really worth it, ya know. Discussions like these are unwinnable. Although maybe in this case, something actually has been won. Instead of the usual discord sown, maybe this time we lesser folk have kind of hunkered down together, rather peaceably. Wanna cup of coffee?
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Post by wildhorses »

AussiePam;1085861 wrote: I know Jester. We all get tied up in knots. Not really worth it, ya know. Discussions like these are unwinnable. Although maybe in this case, something actually has been won. Instead of the usual discord sown, maybe this time we lesser folk have kind of hunkered down together, rather peaceably. Wanna cup of coffee?

I'll take some coffee if you have a pot on already. I love coffee!!
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Post by AussiePam »

You're on, Wildhorses. Wish it was a real one. I'm in the process of shifting house, surrounded by packing cases, and trying to sort out my filing cabinet. SHEEEESH. Milk and sugar for you?
"Life is too short to ski with ugly men"

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Post by AussiePam »

Right!!! Black it is. I'd really like to sit down with you both and have an actual coffee. San Francisco is one of my favourite cities too, a bit like Sydney in some ways.. think it's on the same latitude but the other side of the equator. Anyway, the sun is shining and Sunday afternoon is better spent out of doors. I might wander off and walk by the water. Sending smiles to you both - Pam
"Life is too short to ski with ugly men"

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Post by wildhorses »

AussiePam;1085865 wrote: You're on, Wildhorses. Wish it was a real one. I'm in the process of shifting house, surrounded by packing cases, and trying to sort out my filing cabinet. SHEEEESH. Milk and sugar for you?

I take mine black in the evening....thanks.

Oh that moving is terrible. Everything all topsy turvy. And even when you get into the new place it takes time for all of your belongings to find a "place".

Nothing like a great cup of coffee...thanks Pam :yh_coffee
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Post by wildhorses »

AussiePam;1085868 wrote: Right!!! Black it is. I'd really like to sit down with you both and have an actual coffee. San Francisco is one of my favourite cities too, a bit like Sydney in some ways.. think it's on the same latitude but the other side of the equator. Anyway, the sun is shining and Sunday afternoon is better spent out of doors. I might wander off and walk by the water. Sending smiles to you both - Pam

Have a nice walk Pam. See you later. Next time we'll have tea. Do you like tea?
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