Richard Dawkins' The God Delusion

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Richard Dawkins' The God Delusion

Post by hamdiderot »

i read the book of Richard Dawkins and i find it both intelligent and funny, God is badly beaten in The God Delusion .

The Work stands against religious obscurantism. the message of the work is : we want to believe that religion got a good role in our life to play as source of wisdom , truth and morals but that is just an illusion .

Religion is not a source of harmony among humans as many of us want to believe, because it is also the cause of war, destruction and suffering .That is because religion is anti-intellectual and anti-democratic and even contradictory with ( the evolutionist view of ) our contemporary ethics.

A highly illustrative example is the treatment reserved to apostates in Pakistan , Afghanistan and the (economically rich) Saudi Arabia, which is explicitly the death penalty. One thing is sure, logic can't work here because that is their religion and so nobody can intervene unless he want to contradct the divine legislation of Allah( which is a crime/sin liable to the penalty of death being a heretic ).

Christianity is not safe from Dawkins' criticism which is mainly directed against creationism ,fundamentalism, absolutism ,and Dominionism.

Here is an example of the unchristian behaviour of religious people:

Quote from The God Delusion

Such unchristian abuse is commonly experienced by those who are perceived

as enemies of Christianity. Here, for example is a letter,

posted on the Internet and addressed to Brian Flemming, author

and director of The God Who Wasn't There,S6 a sincere and moving

film advocating atheism. Titled 'Burn while we laugh' and dated

21 December 2005, the letter to Flemming reads as follows:

You've definitely got some nerve. I'd love to take a knife,

gut you fools, and scream with joy as your insides spill out

in front of you. You are attempting to ignite a holy war in

which some day I, and others like me, may have the

pleasure of taking action like the above mentioned.
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