The Day Of My Dreams

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The Day Of My Dreams

Post by polycarp »

What day in time’s incessant passage

Long I to see like rain in drought

A day blessed with shine

When a new song shall the ambience fill

And through the hours flowers bloom?

What day through life’s capricious ride

When sprees of felicities shall re-echo

Across the constellations and beyond

When blessings showering on me

Shall exceed the yielding of cornucopia?

What day amidst a quest for meanings

Shall colors, the skies bear like rainbow

When like a lost ship found

My niche of abode shall I make

In the cushioned luxury of your heart?

Oh! Where lies this day of my dreams?

Through the reaches of space and time

Or rooted in the dark fissures of fate?

When the magic words you’d say

And like a child I’d coming running to say

“Here am I, I’m all but yours”
A formula for tact: "Be brief politely, be aggressive smilingly, be emphatic pleasantly, be positive diplomatically, be right graciously".
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