Could it all have been different?

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Could it all have been different?

Post by ilona17 »

Silent words never to be spoken.

A breaking heart never to be opened.

But yet you loved so much, with the pieces that we’re left.

I know that you tried your best.

You tried to fight the demons you had inside.

Tried to burry them like they didn’t belong in your life.

But at night alone, they would still be there.

As you were nodding off not to dream land but dream hell.

The nightmares haunted you, the pain relived.

I was too young to know how to save you.

I don’t even know now.

My love and my life wasn’t enough to save you.

I’ll never know what those nightmares were about.

I’ll never know the truth because everyone conceals it.

I need to know but I never will.

When you called me that night, was it to say goodbye?

Why tell me, your little girl that you wanted to die?

What did you want from me that night?

Was I meant to save your life?
[QUOTE]:DLive Everyday Like It's Your Last :-6[/QUOTE]
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