⌂ Temple of the Fayth ⌂

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⌂ Temple of the Fayth ⌂

Post by Raven »

Our story begins with our two heroines looking over a faded, ancient scroll. A parchment of such antiquity, that only legends contain hints of it's existence.

"Gawd! Where did you find it?" An astonished Minks asks.

" In that cave over there, in a ceramic pot." Raven replies.

As the two women look over their find, the wind begins to whirl around the tent. Their oil lamps begin to flicker, as the sand storm begins.

"And look! This was also in the bottom of the jar." Raven reveals, as Minks gets up from the table to secure the tent flaps from the storm.

As she looks over her shoulder at Raven, she gasps. "Is that what I think it is?"

"It is. My friend, we may have found the key to the Fayth." Raven replies.

As Minks rejoins her friend at the table, they try to decipher the symbols on the fragile disk. An oval disk the size of a small pie plate, made of something like copper, etched with symbols unlike any found to date.

The scroll, which is written in something similar to ancient hieratic describes the legend and practices of a civilisation that has been said to exist before atlantis.

The next morning as they began to explore the area of the cave where the artifacts were found, they discovered a row of chiseled marks upon the cave wall.

"Look!" Raven exclaims.

As Minks looks, she notices that the symbols on the wall and the disk match.

Placing the disk upon the symbols of the wall, the room goes dark. They both experience a sickening feeling of vertigo. Collapsing on the cave floor, they pass out.

Upon wakening, the feeling of vertigo having passed, they look at each other.

"What the hell was that?" Minks asks.

"Dunno." Raven answers.

As the two womens eyes adjust to the light, they realise that something is quite different about the cave.

They are no longer in a cave! They are in what appears to be a temple!

As they look around in dismay, they realise the disk is broken at their feet.

Astonished at what appears to have happened to them, they start at the sound of footsteps comming their way....

What happens next is up to you! Join the story and lets adventure together!
~Quoth the Raven, Nevermore!~
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⌂ Temple of the Fayth ⌂

Post by Raven »

At Minks indrawn breath, Raven chanced a peek over the top of the marble alter.

The woman who came into view was like a greek statue come to life. Ebony hair plaited and coiled on top of her head, secured with a golden ribbon. Her gown was of the finest linen. Belted with a gold satin sash, criss crossed down her chest to her waist. Around her neck was a golden torque. Her upper arms had bracelets of beaten gold around them.

But it was the tormented look on her face that held the two womens attention. Quickly they ducked back behind the alter as the woman approached.

As the woman lit some kind of incense, they could hear her whispering a prayer.

"Great Goddess, hear my cries. Have mercy on my maidens! For the evil priest brings unto them unlawful sacrifice, yet again!"

"Waisting time praying to a dead goddess again, Sabine?" a sinister masculine voice asked, from across the room.

"No Kadan, I'm not." Sabine replied tersely.

"You're wasting your time, you know." the man continued, "The holy feast will appease the gods and serve as a reminder to all, that the Kings will must be obeyed!"

With that, the man turned and walked out of the alter room. Very soon after, the two women could hear the sound of weeping. Timidly, the two women crept from the back of the alter.

"Are you alright?" Raven asked the woman, softly.

Startled, Sabine looked up at the two women. "Who are you?" she asked with much amazement.
~Quoth the Raven, Nevermore!~
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⌂ Temple of the Fayth ⌂

Post by Raven »

Sabine was quite amazed at the sudden appearance of two women dressed so strangely. But more startling to her was what one of them held in her hands. "The moon key!" she exclaims! Raven looks down and finds she is still holding the disc. "Explain yourselves!" Sabine demands.

Minks looks at Raven, thinking "How the hell do you explain this?", and Raven, understanding the look, raises her right hand to the stars etched upon the roof of the temple, and cries "Vendui!"

Forked lightening blazed across the temple, setting alight a bowl which contained what looked like a pheasant or dove from their world, causing it to turn to ash.

Raven looked at Sabine calmly. "We are here to help. We dont understand how we arrived as we did, but we mean you no harm"

Minks adds "We come from your future. And we are drawn here by the power of this disc."
~Quoth the Raven, Nevermore!~
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⌂ Temple of the Fayth ⌂

Post by Raven »

Sabine looks them over with suspicion. Tilting her head to one side, as if she is listening to another speak, she informs her 'guests' "The fayth will test you." Raven looks at Minks questioningly. Minks looks mildly concerned. Sabine nods in understanding. "This temple is linked to six others by means of the fayth. The "gods" to whom we serve. Look at the moon key. The seven symbols upon it are the names of the fayth at each temple. I am the high priestess for this one. It is the god of universe or being Quezecotl. He will test your purity. The others will test honour, truth, bravery, steadfastness, humility, and resourcefulness. If you pass, you live. If you live, then you will be our champion. But I warn you, the final battle is not as you would think. It is too late to turn back, you have been chosen." The two women watch Sabine gracefully walk over to a gilded gong, and gently tap it with a padded hammer.

A young slave girl approaches. "My name is Oscar, and I will show you to your quarters, so you may be prepared and refreshed for your trials." Minks and Raven look intently at Oscar, hoping for some sign of what is to come. The slender build of this young woman belies the harshness of her surroundings. Fresh of face, with evidence of youth blooming in her countenance, her dark fathomless eyes give away no emotion. Her waist length hair, shines with the reflection of the lamps in her dark russet braids. Only her hands, chapped and rough though dainty tells the tales of her labour. The women follow her as she leads them quietly to their room.

End of Prologue
~Quoth the Raven, Nevermore!~
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⌂ Temple of the Fayth ⌂

Post by Raven »

Taster to Chapter 1

Chapter 1 Quezecotl

Upon arriving to their chamber, the two women look around in amazement! The richly coloured tapestries, and marble flooring are reminiscent of the old pictures of Roman or Turkish bath houses. A pile of furs lay in the middle of the room which had gold stands and marble basins along the walls, filled with exotic fruit, and warm water to refresh with. That same smell of incense filled the air as in the alter chamber. This chamber had a window in the south side of the room, covered with sheer pale blue silk coverings. As the gentle breeze blew in, the women rushed to the window to get their first look outside. “Garden.” Raven whispered, almost to herself. As Minks nodded in agreement, Oscar, whom the women almost forgot, spoke to them softly saying “Fresh water for your bath will be brought to you shortly. Take your ease, and you will find fresh garments in the chests over there.” Pointing a shapely arm, the women follow with their gaze. As she turned to leave, Minks shouts “Wait!” Oscar pauses, then softly continues out the door without looking back.

With the soft closing of the door the two women knew they were locked in. Going to the pile of furs, Raven sinks down with a sigh. “Okay. What do we know?” Raven pulls out the broken pieces of the moon disc for a closer look. Minks sinks down beside her on the furs. “We still have this as well.” pulling out the scroll from her worn leather backpack. Sitting up and rolling out the scroll, they look intently at the intricate symbols for some clue of what just happened. “Here it is!” Minks points to a figure of what could be a dragon or lizard with wings. “Quezecotl. He has been around a VERY long time. Ancient Aztecs, Mayans, even the Toltecs had him.” Raven murmurs. “The Fayth. Are we ACTUALLY sitting in time before Atlantis? What happened to us back there? And how do we get back?” “My head hurts” Raven moans as she sinks back into the furs. Minks glances over in sympathy, then continues to study the scroll.

Slowly, but with increased awareness, the two women become sure someone is watching them. “Rav, do you feel that too?” Minks whispers. “Yes I do. Put away the scroll. We need more time.” Raven whispers back.

The door swings open as a large container of hot water is brought in by a temple guard. Tall, stern, with his head shaved, the two women notice the strange tattoos all over his upper torso and arms as he pours the water into the marble basins.

“Excuse me” Raven approaches the tall guard hesitantly. He looks up. Raven is taken aback at the shocking blue/gray of his eyes. Almost translucent in colour, they give the illusion of giving off light of their own. “Yes. You need something?” He asks in softly. “What land is this? Where are we?” Minks asks in a rush. “Berengaria.” comes the quiet reply. As he turns to leave the room, Raven asks, “Do you have a name, man from Berengaria?” The guard smiles gently. “Snowfire. I'm not from Berengaria. Good evening.” As the guard leaves, they hear a whispering coming from the vicinity of one of the tapestries.

“Did you understand any more of the scroll?” Raven inquires as they begin washing the grime of the cave off themselves. Minks ponders carefully what she is about to divulge, knowing the walls have ears. “Yes. Berengaria is apparently the name of the city or village that grew up around this temple. It must be located on what we know as South America. You remember that scientist that had the weird theory about Atlantis being there? Atlantis apparently was the remnant of a people who survived a terrible cataclysm, brought about by misuse of a secret power.”

The light of understanding entered into Ravens eyes, making it appear like a sunburst entered into a dense forest. “Ah I get you!” “They abused the power of the Fayth maybe?”

Minks thoughtfully replied “I'm not so sure, but I have a feeling we are going to be a part of those events anyway, so we will see first hand what happens to them. My worry is we will never get back!”

Raven shakes her head in reply, “Huh uh. No good. I believe we will find a way back. But we really must find a way to decipher the rest of that scroll. We can figure out the designs of the disc easy enough, but we have to get through this first test.”

As the women clothe themselves in the strange costumes provided, the strangest perfume enters the room before the door opens.

~Quoth the Raven, Nevermore!~
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⌂ Temple of the Fayth ⌂

Post by Raven »

Sabine stands in the doorway looking regal. However, there is a troubling light in the depths of her emerald green eyes. An incredibly regal looking man was standing behind her, and attached to a chain hanging from his belt, was the slave girl they recognised as Oscar.

“Are these the two who suddenly appeared to challenge the great trials, Sabine?” The rich tones of his voice could not disguise the venom contained in his words. Sabine straightened “Yes and they will succeed, Kadan.” Kadan sneered. Looking upon the two women with disdain, he turned on his heel and walked out, yanking upon the chain as he left, causing Oscar to stumble. As she righted herself, an object, which escaped Sabines' notice fell from her hair.

“Pay no mind to Kadan. He is the Kings adviser, and pretender to the priestship of this temple. He is not worthy to hear the voice of the Fayth. Your trial begins in an hour.” Before either woman could question Sabine further, she left.

“Rav this is getting weirder by the minute babes!” Minks cried. But Raven already had her sights on the object that fell from Oscars hair. A small orb the size of a pearl, clear smooth and containing as many sparkling facets as a diamond. “We are going to need this, and I bet you a £1000 she meant that to drop from her hair!” Raven exclaimed in wonder. As Minks attention was caught by what was held in Ravens hand, a click was heard from behind the tapestry. Oscar was peering around the edge and whispered, “A secret door will open if you use the orb, and another piece will fall in place.” With that she vanished into the shadows.

“Enigmatic. Yeah, that was enigmatic.” Minks wondered aloud.

Raven and Minks pulled out the scroll again. In studying it further, they notice patterns that resemble the Nazca lines in Peru. “Are you seeing what I'm seeing?” Raven asked with some excitement. “Astronaut, hummingbird, spider, monkey, condor and tree. All of them traced out in antiquity, no one knows how or by whom.” Minks nodded in agreement.

“The one missing is this one!” Minks interjects. “Look at the disc. We ended up here by using this disc in the cave!”

Just at that moment, the torches on the wall alight. Looking up, a door opens in their chamber that leads onto a landing. “Time to start I guess. You first.” Minks directs.

Leading into the doorway, Raven notices a strange light illuminating the path. “We wont need these.” Raven points to the torches on the wall. They enter the room and the door closes behind them. The trial has begun.

The light that is guiding their path seems to come from something like phosphorous or neon gas in little strips along the floor.

“Did Sabine say something about purity with this one?” Raven asks with a smirk.

As the two women steadily descend the stairs towards their trial, another trial is taking place in another part of the temple.

Oscar is being tortured for information. Somehow, the Orb of Berengaria is missing, and Sabine is missing as well.

Crack! The whip hisses through the air and lands across Oscars small back. Kadan watches with a small smile as her shrieks fill the room. “Cut her down. We'll begin again in the morning.” He says smoothly.

As Snowfire cuts her bonds, the whip master and chief executioner Giles, laughs and spits on her unconscious form as Snowfire picks her up and carries her back to her cell.

In her cell waits a familiar form. Snowfire looks up at a slight noise the woman made.

“Imladris is that you?” he queries softly.

“Yes. Does she live?” An anxious look rests upon her regal features. Dressed much the same as Sabine, her linen garment a royal blue. The golden torque around her delicate throat had garnets interwoven through it.

“She lives.” The sombre note in his voice brought tears to her eyes.

“We must get word to the King about this. Kadan has gone too far this time.” Imladris begins to undress her unconscious charge. The wounds criss cross down Oscars back like laces in a corset.

“Giles knows his business.” Snowfire observes grimly.

As Oscar lay unconscious, another woman is stealing away from the temple in the shadows beyond the garden walls. Rapunzel is fleeing to Kadans dwelling east of the temple. As she clears the last gate she looks back to see the temple for what, for her, may be the last time. The stepped pyramid glows like fire as the sun rises upon it. The formal gardens stretch out for what seems miles, but in actual fact only 10 hectares.

Stopping only to catch her breath, she bears great news for Kadan. “He will reward me richly.” she surmises. Rapunzel is breathtaking to look upon, yet something in her hard, cold triumphant smile gives her an air of cruelty that should not be there in a temple priestess.

She stoops beside a crystal clear pool once used for purification. The blood on her hands does not wash off easily. As she scrubs at the stains, she pauses for a startled moment. “Was that Sabine laughing? Impossible! For I have silenced her forever.” As drops of blood spread out in the water, Rapunzels reflection shows a countenance of grim satisfaction on a complexion like porcelain.

Raven and Minks have made their way to the temple crypt where their first trial of purity takes place. Typical of such settings, you can actually hear the water dripping from the ceilings as if in a cave, with the echoes going on into the depths. “Tales from the Crypt or Sammy Terry?” Raven almost giggles.

“Sicko!” Minks giggles back. “Wait! Door with mysterious round hole?”

Raven looks at he orb in her hand. “We can try it and see.” As she places the orb in the hole of the door it slides down to reveal a chest. The chest is made of an unknown wood with gilded corners and no lock. The lid is carved with the same markings as the scroll.

Raven lifts the lid finding the chest contains a piece of wood shaped like the slice of a pie. The piece of wood has carvings on both sides. One side has a spider, and the other what looks like a Greek temple.

“What do you think?” Ravens asks with wonder. “It matches the markings on the scroll, and it is one of the Nazca line drawings, but this temple looks GREEK!”

Minks studies the piece for a moment. “Time and space and dimension.” Minks, having a faraway look in her deep brown eyes, unconsciously twirls a dark brown lock of hair, is thinking they are in for one hell of an adventure.

“I am thinking these people were messing with a science we cant even begin to imagine. I am thinking we are almost, almost out of our depth here. I am thinking if we dont get it just right, we are doomed.” Looking up, Minks gets a brighter look on her pert pretty face right away. “Glad thats off my chest!”

Raven looks fondly at her best friend and psychic link, “Feel better?”

As they make their around the crypt, they come upon the final door. The sound of singing can be heard coming through the door.

“Do you hear that too?” Raven looks at Minks.

“Yes I do.” Comes the quiet reply.

Both women place their hands upon the tall cedar double doors and push. The doors swing open with little effort and in silence. They enter the room. In the middle of the stark and empty room sits a mummy.

Startled, the women both think the same thing at the same time, as is common with them.

“Peruvian mummy!”they say at the same time, then look at each other with the same thought, “Nazca plains!”

“But why is it here? And how did it get here?” Raven asks incredulously.

As they approach the mummy cautiously, the singing stops. They notice the mummy is of a little girl. Around the mummys neck is a key. Gently reaching out, Raven touches the key. The mummy grabs Ravens hand in an iron grip. The childs eyes open and gaze deeply into the forest green eyes of Raven. Minks observes a light beam connecting the two pairs of eyes. It is over in an instant. The mummy child closes her eyes and releases Raven. Raven falls to the ground unconscious.

Minks runs to Raven shaking her gently, “Wake up! Dont you leave me here like this!”

After a moment that seemed like hours for Minks, Raven wakes up. She looks down into her hand and smiles. In her hand she holds a small gold key.
~Quoth the Raven, Nevermore!~
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⌂ Temple of the Fayth ⌂

Post by Raven »

taster to chapter 2

Chapter 2: Berengaria

The King, Bryn Mawr, the last of a 500 year old imperial dynasty, sits puzzling over a cryptic verse in a book of an ancient seer's predictions. It is a puzzle only the wisest in the kingdom dare attempt to solve, but alas, all have failed in their efforts to do so. In his chamber, alone at last, he can sit at his desk and mull over the text in peace. “A visitation out of time? Precedes doom of chaos to the realm? The realms of many planes....the power of the small to overcome the mighty, all in a single day.” He muses out loud to no one.

He is not the first King to puzzle over this ancient text. They have figured rightly, that it must involve the ancient rites of the Fayth. That somehow, their ancient and mighty power has decayed of late, but to the doom of the Kingdom?

As the candle burns lower on the great Kings table, Kadan, the high advisor to King Bryn, is getting ready for a meeting with an accomplice of considerable charm. Rapunzel. Yes, he smiles grimly. Considerable charm, indeed. He knows of the murder of Sabine already. An unlikely villager spotted the deed being carried out. “What was her name? Ah yes, Odie. Something might have to be done to silence her. This crime must go unsolved. Witnesses are....inconvenient.” He murmers aloud to himself as he continues to walk through the shadows around the great hall to his vile assignation.

Meanwhile, in a chamber of the Temple, Oscar is beginning to stir. Moaning aloud from the discomfort and pain, she cries out for Sabine.

“Sssshhh. Be easy, Oscar.” A worried Imladris consoles. Imladris, looking up, silently asking Snowfire, “Should we tell her?”

As the light from the fireplace glances across their anxious expressions, Snowfire shakes his head and whispers, “No. It can wait.”

Two other novice priestesses come from the great temple hall bearing wrappings and ointment. Dipping a linen cloth in the basin of water against the back wall, AussiePam turns to Imladris. “Gman has been informed of this sin by Odie, a healer in the village. He is gathering an emergency meeting of the brethren tonight.”

Zapata continues quietly as she begins to put salve on Oscars wounds, “Who were those strangely dressed visitors that are down in the trial chamber? Did they have anything to do with this?”

Oscar whispers “No! They are our only hope! They must be warned of what they face!”

Imladris nods. “Dont worry Oscar. They will be. We have allies going to meet them now. Be still.”

As AussiePam and Zapata continue to clean and dress Oscars wounds, Imladris motions for Snowfire to go out. Following him out, they discuss the current situation in heated whispers.

“Gman must be warned against doing anything impulsively! Mikeinie is guarding the King, Peg is on her way down to warn our mysterious travellers along with Chezzie. Chezzie seems to know more about them however.”

Snowfire nods in agreement, “She does. She witnessed their arrival, and overheard their conversation with Sabine. Sabine trusted them, we should too. Giles, is as far as I am aware, Kadans puppet. The King does not know about Giles torture chamber.”

Imladris asks the larger question they have all been worrying over, “True. But does the King know Kadan has been studying how to use the Crystal? All his efforts have been bent on discovering how to bend it to his will!”

Snowfire responds solemnly, “This, we must never allow.”
~Quoth the Raven, Nevermore!~
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⌂ Temple of the Fayth ⌂

Post by Raven »

Raven closes her hand over the gold key. “Well what do you suppose, my dear Minks, does this shiny really gold key open?” she asks with an impish grin.

“Just what the hell happened to you?” Asks Minks in a not so amused tone of voice.

Raven gets a serious, brooding look on her face. “It spoke to me, you know. Sabine has been murdered, and we need to find a way to the next temple. There is trouble brewing here, in cataclysmic proportions. We have discovered a civilisation that thrived before and spawned Atlantis. It traversed time and dimension. You know all the ancient clues we have studied? The ones that seem to pop up in random order? Like the ones concerning the Ancient Anasazi, Mexico City, Nazca in Peru, and the latest ones in South America, where we were?” Raven continues in a rush like she is trying to piece it together by speaking out loud, “They are all connected to this place. It revolves around some weird power they abused. Something about a crystal. We get hints of this through a lot of our literature, like, you know...Merlin and his cave? Avalon and even Beowulf, for crying out loud! They are stories based on what occurred here thousands of years ago.”

Minks, with a dumbfounded look, replies “ They TIME travel? NOWAY!”

“There is more,” Raven presses on. “It is still going on in our time. Someone here becomes almost immortal. They are continuing to interfere throughout history. Manipulating events to serve their own ends. We have become involved in a mystery of time. We have to try and stop them.”

As the two women mull all this over, Minks looks up at a sound by the great doors. “Hello?” she calls.

“Can you please come out? For we are not allowed in, and we bear grave news.” a pleasant, warm voice warns.

Upon opening the great doors, Raven and Minks are greeted by two child/women who were of unprovable age by their appearance. Almost pixie in appearance, they were petite in form, yet the eyes told another story. In them, were wisdom beyond the age. Dressed in simple pure white linen gowns that flowed in iridescent lights like a prism, they too had shocking blue/grey eyes that shone with their own light, similar to Snowfire. Both had blonde/white hair to their waists.

“I am Peg” the slightly taller one spoke, “this is Chezzie” nodding at her companion. “We have been sent by a senior priestess of the Temple, to assist you in your great task, and warn you of the plots concerning a traitor, Kadan, who is high advisor to our King.”

Chezzie continues, “We are oracles to the High Priestess. We warned her of a trap, but she sacrificed herself anyway, in the belief you could help us!”

Raven and Minks looked from one to the other in amazement.

Raven spoke gently, “We know of the murder of Sabine, for the Fayth revealed it to me. We will do what we can, for the Fayth revealed much, for it concerns our time as well.”

Peg continues, “Yes, we saw your arrival from afar. But outcomes are unknowable. The path you tread is wrought in pitfalls and danger. We cannot see all ends. Only portions of the journey are revealed to us.”

“Come. Let us be off to the chamber of Sabine. More may be revealed there in safety.” Chezzie suggests.

As the four women walk back through the trial chambers, Minks begins to notice a pattern to the glyph markings along the walls. Unbeknownst to the other three, she stops to study the markings. Having been completely enthralled by what she was seeing, Minks failed to hear someone come up behind her. Sudden pain enshrouds her, and all goes black as she succumbs to sweet unconsciousness.

Looking around at the muffled sound, Raven looks to Minks. “Where is she?” Alarmed at the sudden noticing of Minks missing, Raven shouts “Minks!”

Running back to where the great doors to the Fayth lie closed, Raven is filled with sudden dread over her missing friends whereabouts.

As Peg and Chezzie come running up behind, Chezzie pulls out, what looks to be a small mirror, from the folds of her gown. Running her hand over the surface, she breathes upon it to cloud the glass. She chants over it, “Truth do I seek, ways of the hidden, enlighten understanding, be it forbidden!”

As smoke rises from the surface of the glass, Chezzie inhales deeply. Closing her eyes, she is silent for a moment. Suddenly she bursts out, “She is taken to the keep of darkness. We must hurry!”

Oscar moves tenuously. Ah! That was not so bad after all. Either that or the ointment went to work quickly. Sitting up, she notices the she is alone, but the fire is burning brightly. Listening to the sounds of the wood burning and popping, she mulls over what she has seen. Rapunzel, is a traitor. She has always been envious of Sabine. “I wonder if the King knows his own sister is dead.” she muses.

As Oscar moves gently to edge of her bed, she looks around the sparsely furnished room. “Slave indeed”, she snorts to herself.

Reaching under her mattress of soft furs, she pulls out a roll of parchment. For you see, Oscar has a secret, yet undetected by those around her. Reaching even further under her mattress, she pulls out a map and a compass from a backpack not unlike what the two new travellers were wearing. “I must get to them somehow.” With that decided, Oscar starts to pack a few belongings into her bag.

Rapunzel looks up. “Ah there you are”, she starts out softly. “I have been waiting here close to an hour now. What kept you?” she ended sharply.

Kadan looks at her with disdain. “You dare question my business?”

“I have news.” she starts, ignoring his question.

“You were sloppy. You were seen.” He informs a startled Rapunzel.

Unnerved by this bit of information, Rapunzel inquires, “By whom? How did you find out?”

Kadan takes his time as he studies this woman before him. Another in a long line of lovers who had hoped to gain a modicum of power through him. She would have to go, as all the others before her had went. Silently and forever. For his plans had almost come to fruition, and the time was almost upon him.

“A village peasant.” He almost spits. “The simpleton thought a few coins just reward for her news.”

Rapunzel silently contemplates this new information. “So what do we do?”

Unaware of the events happening around him, King Bryn bends over a smudged piece of the ancient book he has become obsessed with. Wizened but still bearing the signs of great vitality, piercing blue/grey eyes focus on what may be a tremendous breakthrough in his understanding.

As he concentrates upon his latest find, Mikeinie stands outside of the great wooden door. Mikeinie comes from a great noble family. Him and his brother both. Snowfire and he come from across the great sea, from the great land of Dragonost. They were apprenticed to King Bryn since the age of eight However, since having lost their parents and their land to invasion and plague, King Bryn adopted them instead. From the age of 16 they have been entrusted with protecting the most precious treasures of the Kingdom of Berengaria; The King himself and the Temple of the Fayth.

But Mikeinie is troubled. His brother, Snowfire, has told him of the treacherous deeds befalling the temple and it's High Priestess. Sabine was the only living blood relative of the King. His beloved sister. He has also been told of the strange and sudden appearance of two women in the temple. On the night of Kadans visit. Kadan! Mikeinie spits. How could his King and adoptive Father be so blinded? It had to be some kind of sorcery. It had to be!

As the night draws in further, Mikeinie arouses himself from thought, and knocks on the door. The time has come to inform King Bryn of the wickedness that has befallen his Kingdom.

“Enter!” comes the slightly distracted command of the King. For he knows already the news his beloved and faithful adoptive son has come to tell him.

As Mikeinie enters, he is struck anew at how King Bryn resembles his late sister, Sabine. Only his eyes give away his great age. His hair still ebony as the night, and those eyes, both ancient and wise, still carry a twinkle of youth. As Mikeinie enters further into the room, he draws his breath sharply, for standing beside the King, unhurt and in her youth, is Sabine herself. High Priestess of the Temple.
~Quoth the Raven, Nevermore!~
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⌂ Temple of the Fayth ⌂

Post by Raven »

taster to chapter 3

Chapter 3: And comes the Dark Night

G-man looks over his audience sombrely. The sacrificing must stop. Kadan must be stopped. Most of the men in the village have shown up. “Good.” “This is very good” he murmurs to himself. G-man is head of the guards posted at the north gate of the village. On occasion he is called upon to escort the King. But of late, his more sombre duties have seen him escorting the unfortunate victims of Kadan to their death. However, having found out through Snowfire and Mikeinie that these sacrifices were unlawful and sacrilegious, he has been sending the victims to the exiled lands beyond the great river to the east. What looks like burnt human remains have indeed been cattle. Kadan, has not queried about the ashes. Old bones of the ancestors have been put in the ashes and reburied under a sacrificed priestess' name.

With the arrival of the great sage and seer Tombstone, the assembly is complete. Wizened in appearance, his great white beard tucked into the belt of his great robes, Tombstone considers some of those who have arrived before him. G-man, who called upon his wisdom, the elders, Lon, Cars and Ted. The great mage, Anastrophe, whose magic arts even the vile Kadan fears; the council can now begin deliberating upon the urgent business at hand.

As Oscar entered the the tunnels to the chamber of the Fayth, she heard running.

Raven, Peg and Chezzie come running into view. Stopping suddenly when she saw Oscar, she softly greets the slender woman standing before her. “Hello again.”

“I must tell you my story” Oscar says quietly.

“Sure, but you can talk as we run. Minks has been taken to the Keep of Darkness, according to these two” Raven nods her head at Peg and Chezzie.

“That is perfect!” “That is where the next Fayth and Temple is located!” Oscar exclaims. “But I must warn you of the treachery of Kadan!”

As Oscar begins her story, the four women run out of the Temple and head for the South Gate, or Pathway into Darkness, as the locals call it.

But unbeknownst to themselves, they were being watched. Having left Kadan in his chambers at the castle, Rapunzel was heading quickly back to the Temple before it was noticed she was missing.

Almost at the entrance, she heard the sound of running footsteps, and quickly hid herself in the shadows of the abundant trees growing in the grounds and garden surrounding the Temple. Just as she hid herself, the four women ran out and headed down the path that led to South Gate. Waiting for them to pass, she turns and hurries back to the entrance of the Temple. Without looking up, she runs straight into the chest of Snowfire.

“Well what do we have here?” he asks with a touch of sarcasm. Not wanting to let on that her sin was uncovered, he let her speak.

“What are you doing here, you buffoon!” Rapunzel was quickly trying to come up with a plausible story that a Temple guard might fall for.

“We have been waiting for you, m'lady. The ceremony is about to begin.” Snowfire announces gravely.

Rapunzel answers tersely, “Well let it begin without me, then!”

“I'm sorry, but that is impossible. In the absence of the High Priestess, Imladris has requested your presence along with AussiePam and Zapata.”

“Very well.” Rapunzel exhibiting impatience, follows Snowfire to the ceremonial chamber.

With braziers burning along the length of each marbled wall, the Priestesses of the Temple were assembled. They were quiet. All eyes watching Rapunzel as she enters the room. A sense of foreboding filling her with disquiet, she takes her place among them. Imladris sitting in place of Sabine, commands the rites of ceremony to begin.

“The time of choosing is at hand.” She announces solemnly as her gaze touches each of them kneeling around the centre basin that was filled with a strange incense. The stone basin had carvings around the base that would be familiar to Raven or Minks had either of them seen it.

As the chanting began increasing in intensity the basin began to smoulder and burn. Flames sent their sparks flying through the air as the tempo increased. Suddenly the flames died out and a voice filled the chamber sounding otherworldly. “Pure you are not, and evil blights your hand, and so you shall rot, to thus cleanse the land.” And as the smoke from the basin rose, a shadowy figure appeared before them in the mist. The spirit of the Fayth pointed at Rapunzel. “You are chosen.”

“Noooooooooo!” And with that, Rapunzel fainted.

With the cloudless night sky above them, Raven, Peg and Chezzie listen with rapt amazement at the tale Oscar had to tell.

“My father and I were exploring the ruins of a temple on Akrotiri. We came upon a small ceramic cask that had somehow survived the destruction of the city. In it we found this.” She reaches around and pulls out a scroll like the parchment Minks was carrying in her backpack. Like the one found in a South American cave that felt like a lifetime ago for Raven.

“My Father found with it a disk. Sabine called it the Venus disk.” “We were one minute in the temple, and when my father put the disk against the same marking on the temple wall, we ended up here. Only we were in the Keep of Darkness!”

Raven gave a sharp intake of breath, “You are a traveller as well!”

Oscar continued, “My father and I were from Victorian England. He was an archaeologist from Cambridge.”

“What do you mean 'was'?” Raven asked quietly.

“Kadan murdered him when he discovered all he knew about the disk. I kept the scroll a secret. Even though I was only five, I knew if he found out I had it, I too would be murdered.”

Ravens thoughts were turbulent and grasping a faint conclusion, “He knows something about the disks. What do the disks mean? He wants the power the disks hold. But for what?”

“Control of time.” Peg answered.

“And immortality.” Chezzie added.

As the four women continued their journey, Raven was observing the landscape around them. They had left the lush gardens of Berengaria and entered into a bleak land. Barren trees, and darkness that seemed to envelope the soul into an eternal night. Even the stars and moon seemed dimmed somehow.

“How many Temples are there? Raven asks suddenly.

“Seven.” Chezzie answered. Then added, “ And they are spaced in a ring around the Grande Castle of King Bryn.” “The temple we just left was the Moon Temple, and the first among the seven. Due south is the Keep of Darkness, that is the Venus Temple.”

“Ah that is the castle back there.” Peg points back over her left shoulder. They had passed unaware.

“Time plays tricks on you here. It seems to be in a state of flux. Something or someone is disturbing the rhythm and flow of time here.” Oscar says quietly.

“Trying to stop a flood with sieve.” Ravens states caustically. “How did you escape Kadan?”

“I didnt. He placed me in the Moon Temple after he murdered my father. He told Sabine I was a slave gift from Dragonost. He said I would die if I spoke of my father to anyone.”

“Did you tell?”

“Yes. Snowfire protected me from the worst of it. Though I know I was to be the next sacrifice.”

“What is this sacrifice thing about anyway?” Raven puzzled.

“By killing off the priestesses, Kadan hopes to gain control of the great crystal. To achieve the ultimate in time travel. Ultimate power by being able to control time itself.”

Chezzie continued, “We have to stop him. Somehow.”

“I am beginning to sense how this is going to end.” Raven begins slowly.

Minks looks up then winces as the pain cuts through her head like a hot poker. “I am chained to a cold damp wall. Great.”

But as she looks around she notices the drawings on the wall showing faintly through the mould and rising damp. “Minoan!”
~Quoth the Raven, Nevermore!~
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⌂ Temple of the Fayth ⌂

Post by Raven »

In a darkened dungeon like room, with the torchlight reflecting in eerie shadows on the walls, Minks can just about make out a seated goddess in one frame, another fresco looks like antelope, and on the opposing wall it appears like sea reeds decorating a parchment. Next to Minks on the wall is a tall sepia painted figure of a man holding fish.

“Think, think think!” Minks frowns with the effort, trying to block out discomfort and pain. “Atlantis, 9000 years before Plato; Thera 900 years before Plato, both destroyed by a catastrophe of Plinian proportions. Something connects here, but what?”

Minks noticing how loose the cuffs around her wrists are, easily slips one of her hands free. “Houdini, yeah thats me.” She whispers. Unable to pull free her other wrist, she pulls a hair pin out of her long locks, and proceeds to make herself free from her bonds. Since she was dangling about a foot above the ground, she muffles a yelp of pain as she drops.

After a few minutes, she begins to walk around the chamber looking for a way out. Feeling the walls, she stumbles upon a loose stone. Feeling a bit like Indiana Jones, she pushes the stone in. “Yep! It works in all the good movies.” A doorway opens on the opposite wall. Hurrying over she makes it through just as the door begins to close again.

The room she passes into is a large, round edifice at least two storeys high. It looks like about fourteen rooms on each floor, with multiple doors and covered in magnificent wall paintings. In the centre of the room she is standing in, there is a large 'lustral basin'. “This is exactly like Xesta 3 in Akrotiri!” She exclaims in wonder. “Lets see if I have this correct.”

“Thera, or the modern island of Santorini, located sixty-nine miles north of the island of Crete in the Aegean Sea, was devastated by a volcanic eruption sometime in the 15th century BC. The eruption was one the the most powerful in the past 10,000 years and contributed to the fall of the Minoan Civilization. The other event to contribute to the fall of the Minoan Civilization was the rise of the Mycenean Civilization on the island of Crete.” She begins to feel better as she mimics her history teacher from university. “Raven would know how to piece this together.” she says dismally.

“So do you.” A familiar and vile voice states. Kadan, looking down upon his hapless victim, sneers at her horrified expression. “You were expecting Clark Gable maybe?”

Stunned, Minks could only ask, “How do you know about Clark Gable?”

Following what seemed like an eternity, the four women approach the Keep of Darkness. Indeed, it more resembled a gothic Cathedral, than castle keep. But within its stone walls, lay two treasures. Ravens' friend, Minks and the Fayth of the Temple. “Gargoyles.” Raven delights as she looks up the impossibly tall edifice. Peg and Chezzie look at her puzzled, but Oscar nods in understanding.

“We go to the Priestesses entrance.” Peg states calmly. Peg and Chezzie lead the two women around the side, through an impossibly lush garden. It's existence making no sense in such a barren land.

The side doors appear cedar with a gilded trellis pattern over the front. Peg and Chezzie open the doors. Immediately inside stands a guard looking very similar to Snowfire in appearance. Except for his eyes. Instead of a translucent glow, his eyes produced a warm, vibrant evergreen feeling.

Chezzie begins the introductions at his puzzled and guarded look.

“Gmc, we need your assistance, urgently” She begins.

“I understand. Sabine has informed us of the situation.”

“Sabine!” All four women exclaim together.

“Let me explain. But first you must all be weary. I'll show you where you can take your ease, for the trial will be a challenging one.”

Following him into the great hall, Raven notices again the strange tattoo markings on Gmc. Similar but not exactly like the markings on Snowfire. “Whats with the glowy eye thing? And the gardens? He has spoken with Sabine, but when? Bet the other guards look similar at the other temples.” Ravens thoughts run wild, one following on after another

As if he could read her thoughts, Gmc smiled..
~Quoth the Raven, Nevermore!~
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⌂ Temple of the Fayth ⌂

Post by Raven »

Taster for chapter 4

Chapter 4: Apolliyon's Honour

King Bryn smiled as Mikeinie gasped at the sight of Sabine. “Relax, dear boy. She has become the heart of the crystal.” Great sadness filled his eyes at the loss of his beloved sister. But something else was gaining ground in them as well. Rage.

“Sabine has informed me of a great many things.” King Bryn looks at the vision of his sibling and bids her farewell. Sabine vanishes with a whisper. “Not too late to save a part of it.”

“My Lord?” Asks Mikeinie, stunned by what he has just witnessed.

“Let us be off, dear boy. To a meeting in the village. I believe they will want to hear what I have to say.” And with that, King Bryn closed the great tome with a finality that filled Mikeinie with a sense of doom.

Raven looks around the room and immediately sensed what Minks had noticed. This temple was found on ancient Thera. “So Oscar was right.”

“We need to search for Minks.” Raven informs the two Sibyl's.

This time it was Peg, who stretching her arms above her head, went into a trance like state. “She is placing herself in grave danger by trying to mislead Kadan. She is still in the Keep, but not for long. Kadan will transport her to another dimension of existence, to further his own ends very soon.”

“Another dimension? But how?” Raven asked the question, but she sensed she already knew the answer.

“The same way we arrived here.” Oscar answered. “The only disk unaccounted for was the sun disk to the Icarus Temple.”

Chezzie continues, “We hid the disks in time, or so we thought. They are being discovered then travellers are being transported to this dimension.”

“Kadan discovered the power of the disks when Oscar and her father came to this temple.” Peg continues. “So he is travelling through time from this place. Searching for other disks, which will eventually link him to the crystal.”

“Ah! So that is why he wants Minks!” Raven suddenly understood what this next trial would be about. Honour.

“The only way to save your friend is to continue with the trials.” Gmc stated calmly.

“But how can I? We need to find Minks now!” Raven cries in desperation.

“She is already gone from this place.” Chezzie states, as the smoke rises once again from her mirrored glass. “Ar-iz-on-a, and the temple of the Condor.”

“But it is the ruins of the Anasazi!” Raven begins to panic, “In what time though? What dimension?” for Ravens instinct was to follow and save Minks.

“Here drink this. It will soothe your heart.” Gmc holds aloft a crystal goblet filled with a golden liquid. Raven looks up, and Gmc nods gently. She takes the goblet from him, not caring what was in it, for her heart was greatly troubled indeed. The drink acted quickly, for as she fell, she was caught before she could hit the floor. Raven had fallen into a deep sleep. Unbeknownst to her, she was carried into a chamber and laid upon a soft cushion of furs to rest undisturbed. For Gmc knew she would need all the strength she possessed for the trial to come.

While she was resting, Oscar, Peg and Chezzie went to the High Priestess of the Temple, Abbey.

Abbey looked and was dressed in like manner as Sabine. All except for her hair. Her hair was was the colour of rich deep amber, and her eyes were golden brown.

“King Bryn knows.” Abbey informs her audience of three. “He is aware of the travellers quest.”

“The council will now convene.” G-man calls out to the assembly. The meeting is taking place in the large common room of the inn. The only building in Berengaria not made of stone, it is a comfortable place. In the centre of the room a large brazier holds the hearth fire around which are wooden tables and chairs. Much like a pub in Oscars England, the residents and the wise of Berengaria are gathered with pints of mead and pipes filled with a pungent and exotic tobacco. The plates and bowls are gathered, and the townsfolk are prepared to listen to a discussion of never known before proportions. For in their Kingdom an evil has arisen that threatens their very existence and that of their descendants.

“First of all I will yield the floor to Tombstone who can enlighten us as to how events have transpired thus far.” G-man bows to the great sage and seer.

Tombstone, whose great age cannot be determined, stands and peruses the gathering through thoughtful and knowing eyes.

“We are being punished for our great arrogance as was foretold an age ago.” He began slowly.

“Our ancestors knew this time would come. We have embraced the philosophy of a demon. The Gods gave us a gift. The power of the crystal, so that we may determine our own destiny. For all of time, for us and for our descendants. So that through the ages we may cultivate and prosper on this great earth.” He continued. “We are about to see the destruction of all we hold precious due to the vanity of one man. He cannot be stopped. But he can be curtailed. And that is where we must focus all our efforts or all will be for naught.”

Tombstone paused for a long moment before he continued. “The crystal must be destroyed.”

As this solemn pronouncement sent shock throughout the common hall, A gentle regal voice cut through the din.

“I agree.” King Bryn had come amongst the people unnoticed. With Mikeinie, as always, devoted to guarding his Lieges person and life, they both stood inside the door. As everyone bowed before his great majesty, Bryn continued, “My dearest sister, Sabine has become the heart of the crystal. She has been murdered by one of her own. By a last minute effort, she was able to connect and merge with the crystal itself, as only the royal family can.”

As this bit of news was absorbed by the assembly, Bryn continued, “I have something I must confess to you all here, so that you may understand the true nature of the danger we are all in. For I fear I have, myself brought this evil upon us all.” Over the denials and protestations, Mikeinie has a premonition of what is about to be revealed, and closes his eyes against the truth of it. Connecting to his brother through thought, he cries out. “Ah Snowfire! It is as we suspect! Doom is upon us all!”

Falling upon his knees with the pain of it, Snowfire grasps his head and cries out with the pain of what is revealed.

As if through an ocean of water, the truth finally came out. With each word spoken, the consequence of it fell upon the ears of the assembly like rolling thunder, announcing the oncoming storm.

For King Bryn began a fantastic tale of treachery and betrayal unheard of in this land. However Minks and Raven would recognise the legend. Even Oscar would nod in recognition.

“Kadan is my son. And of the royal bloodline.” Gasps went throughout the hall. King Bryn began a disclosure of witchcraft and sorcery, deceit and malfeasance. His half sister, Lillith, through her deception in masking herself as Bryns late wife, conceived and brought forth malice in the form of Kadan, hoping to achieve the crown through him.

Dismay rippled through the hall as a tide, as the implications of this reached their understanding.

In the centre chamber of the castle of King Bryn, the crystal, a very large multifaceted orb of unknown origin, set in a solid gold stand with a marbled base, started to glow a fiery red at it's heart as Sabine wept.
~Quoth the Raven, Nevermore!~
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