50 Corners Neath the Shire Sun

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50 Corners Neath the Shire Sun

Post by helgi »

50 corners neath the shire sun~~

I don't pay much attentions to my school


There are fifty corners neath the shire sun,

Trottin' long I'm short of naked,

don't care that I'm dumb,

Cause there's fifty corners neath the shire sun

I will impress the dames a lot,

With mockish civil - ties,

Fifty corners neath the sun indeed,

But further is their sport from else,

Than better mocking me!

Fifty corners neath the shyer sun


She's got flowers in her hair~~~

sung with chords units of time all accounted for equally by letter chords

()sung or snug in previous letter chord

{e}she's got {b}flowers in her {e}hair{e}

(I'd) {e}take them out but {b}she don't even {e}care {e}

(And) {e}even if I {b}ever ever {e}dare{e}

(She's) {e}still got {b}flowers in here {e}hair{e}
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