Joke in the night

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Joined: Sat Sep 22, 2007 10:43 pm

Joke in the night

Post by helgi »

recent jokes resulting from social situations

I went to kinkos.

The computers were offline, or in some way refurbishing.

The clerk said the computers reboot at midnight.

I said, "So does the midnight cowboy"

The proffesor drew a graph with a curve upon the chalk board.

I asked, "Are we going to be graded on this curve?"

Later she drew a number line with two non overlapping line segments indicated as arrows going in opposite directions upon the line.

I asked her to explain again what they meant, saying "It went out one ear and out the other"

This seems to claim that I knew and then forgot the material, rather than it going in one ear and out the other in a smooth and graceful path, describing a curve that I would surely be graded on.

In my class I've noticed a strange manner in many, that is to ask the teacher a question, and then when she has responded with all duty to say "I gotcha, ok I gotcha..." or some brusk huff. That is why I should keep my jokes sparse in class, the teacher's patience is taxed enough by witless dismisiveness. The behavior of dismissing the teacher is very consistent to three near verbatims, in my class, so I assume the students are emulating each other, or trying to reference each other. I think my fellow students might be worthy of satire.

....but I think Cervantes wrote of an ill advised curiosity, and curiosity of people's manners makes their manners vanish, so it is not a very yielding curiosity.
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