Criminals to have benefits cut

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Criminals to have benefits cut

Post by gmc »

Criminals to have benefits cut - UK Politics, UK - The Independent

The system as it stands at the moment is far too soft and does not always send the right signals.

Talk about double standards how about we throw in jail a few investment bankers that defrauded millions and sequestrate their ill gotten gains. Every MP fiddling his expenses should have lost his seat and Tony Blair held to account for one of the biggest lies this century with a jury of the relatives of those who have died as a result. Why do we put up with this crap?
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Criminals to have benefits cut

Post by Scrat »

I would think it would be much more profitable to fine the criminals in the suits also GMC. I guess Cameron needs to feel a little tougher considering the tongue lashing he got from Sarkosy a few days ago. I do think criminals should pay their fines but this has a funny smell to it. I do not think the British people are being well served in a lot of ways by their government.
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Criminals to have benefits cut

Post by gmc »

Not just fire them imprison them and sequestrate their assets. We've started confiscating the property of drug dealers white ciollar crime is just as devastating in it's own way. It's a classic tactic of the right - blame everything on the low life's and detract attention from what you were up to that caused the problems in the first place. Just look at the vitriol being heaped on the occupy wall street movement, they protest therefore they must be are degenerate hippies, glenn beck is the funniest I've heard. Why is he terrified of the common people, hat's he done?

Currently europe is bailing out banks that lent money to greece knowing they were high risk but they paid a great rate if interest. I think they need to re-learn that if you take a risk for a better return there is the risk you lose nit that the taxpayer will bail you out. Ordinary greeks didn't borrow but their country is now being asset stripped of all the nationally owned assets. I would be pissed off as well.

I know one family where both wage earners lost their jobs last december - the same employer since school - as a result of the bank takeovers, while having a rant about the demonstrators I had to gently point out that he was now one of the layabout unemployed that can't get off their backside and get a job and in twelve months time will be classed as long term unemployed, it shut him up as the truth hit home, from senior staff to nonentity (lots of people tie up their sense of worth in what they do for a living) in the space of a few months I know businesses that went under because the bank pulled agreed overdraft facilities for no real reason except they wanted to, not just them but all those they employed are affected. Not big headline stuff but it rubs salt in the wound seeing bankers getting bonuses while ordinary employees in the same bank are being made redundant. Join a bank queue now and you can feel the animosity only held in check because people realise it's not those behind the counter to blame.
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