Clean your dog's ears!

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Clean your dog's ears!

Post by valerie »

A simple and fairly inexpensive way to clean your dog's ears is to use

baby wipes. Wrap a wipe around your index finger and gently swab inside

of dog's ear. This can be done once or twice a week without harm.

Most dogs tolerate this procedure (Tamsen says "PROCEDURE Mom, that

means I get a COOKIE!!) much better than liquid drops that cause lots

of head shaking and mess.

I have an otoscope but you can also use a small flashlight (Mag type)

with a mouthpiece to light the area you are cleaning, leaving your

hands free.

This, along with regular vet exams, should help you keep your dog's

ears nice and clean.

Don't mess around with ear problems, though. If your dog exhibits the

classic head "tilt" or shaking, she/he should be seen by a vet right

away. Sometimes you can tell by the smell of your dog's ear... a

healthy ear won't make you go "Phewie" at the first sniff!!

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Clean your dog's ears!

Post by valerie »

SnoozeControl wrote: How about cat ears? My girls look good, but it never occurred to me they might need ear cleanings.

I've never cleaned a cat's ears... they seem to have a good enough

method of "washing" on their own.

For an older cat, one who doesn't groom itself very well, you might

give it a try.

The DH's cat Gracie will be 15 in a couple of months and is fine. And

since I've never done it... starting at this point would be extra stress

for her.

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