Now I Remember

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Joined: Fri Dec 17, 2004 12:42 am

Now I Remember

Post by libertine »

We just spent several days baby-sitting the granddaughters, which meant getting two girls ready to go to school!!! I KNOW I did that sometime in the dark ages, but I must have been a lot younger!! :rolleyes:

Actually it wasns so bad, just different. i didn't think I 'd ever be so set in my ways that I didn't want anyone in my chair, or disturbing my reading or changing the T.V.channels..It scare me that I am becoming my mother!!!

The girls are o.k. kids, and they like their grandparents, BUT I'll bet they were just as glad to go home as we were to get rid of them!! Until next time. It's kind of like child forget the unpleasantries between times!! :-4

Another benefit of being a retired person.
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